How Marlon Brando Teaches Us Video Marketing

by Steven Washer on December 14, 2010

Would you like to be in a major motion picture?
Then you’ll have to become an actor. But not just any actor. You’ll have
to become a “working” actor.

Working actors get all the best parts. And they get hired again and again.
Even if they’re not the best actors in the world. Why would that be?

They keep getting hired because they’re professionals. They hit their marks,
they say their lines and they don’t bump into the furniture. Sounds easy,
doesn’t it? So would you like a nice, easy well-paying job like this?

You can have one, you know. And you can start right now. All you
have to do is get into the mind of your best client, write a script,
perform the dialogue in your head, and put it all into a video.
Then it’s payday. And the best part? You decide how much your
performance is worth!

The link beween acting and understanding your potential client
So by now you’re probably wondering, what in the world is he
talking about? Just this.

For you to be able to communicate effectively about your products
and services, you need to know your potential client’s hot buttons.
What makes them crazy? What are their fears and frustrations?
What are their dreams and aspirations?

Then you need to talk to them in the words they use to talk to
themselves about all of this.

You need to become Marlon Brando.

The “Method” to this Madness
Marlon Brando was considered the best Method actor of his day.
Method acting is where the actor tries to become the person he’s
portraying, not stand aside and act from a distance.

Brando would disappear into a part and deliver a performance that
was shocking and revelatory and award-winning. He did it by
understanding everything about the person he was portraying.
Everything. Right down to the brand of shoes he wore.

When he did this, he successfully made that person come to life.
And he was well-paid for it. And that’s where you come in.
If you want to be well-paid for your understanding of your client,
you need to pretend to be him or her. Not just by sitting at your desk
and thinking about it, but really doing it.

How to channel your inner Marlon
Close your eyes, see the scene they live in, the daily activities they
go through, the relationships that are important to them, and the
things they fear and love.

There’s a lot more to this exercise, but this is basically the drill.
It’s what Marlon Brando did to become great, and it’s what you
need to do if you want more great clients who appreciate being understood.

And you notice we haven’t once talked about equipment?
That’s because this is the piece you must get right first before all the
lights, camera, action.

The journey from Newbie to Nija
In Video Marketing Mastery, this is part of what we do in Module One,
Understanding Your Clients. Then it really takes off.

In five more modules we go through every single aspect of Profile
Video Marketing, from creating your attractive persona, to getting the
right shots, to editing the story, and to the tricks and strategies of getting
your videos out into the wide world, including YouTube.

Along the way, you’ll have the most fun ever as you discover within
yourself the keys to making your clients sit up and pay attention when
they see you on camera. And you’ll do it in a way that’s not gimmicky,
tacky or lame. (unless that’s your perfect idiom!)

This program is the most well-researched in the world. I’ve literally
traveled from one end of the US to the other in search of the very best
ideas to bring you. I’ve tapped some of the best marketing minds on
the planet in the best marketing forums. And the result is a program
that sets a new standard in video marketing education.

If you let it, Profile Video Marketing, using video to start and build
relationships with good clients, will supercharge your business by
making all your direct marketing efforts more successful.

You’ll never be afraid of that big red record button again when you use
our secret ingredients for confidence (and video) production.

And the award goes to…
On Academy Award night, the actors fret about who gets the award,
because that award basically assures their financial security for a long,
long time. Imagine. You have more power than they do. If you get
your videos right, your clients will assure your financial security for a
long time to come.

And with your new skills, if desired, you can still humbly shout:
“I just want to thank the Academy!…”

Steven Washer
Dean of Students, BrainyVideo U.

Our first class is already filling up. Plus I’m offering a hefty discount this
first go-around. But that’s a one-time-only thing and good only until 12/31/10.

Why not check it out now and see if this is right for you?

I don’t want to recommend Steven. Here’s why.

My plans for video were to film some shows regarding tea on YouTube.
Because of this, my original thought was BrainyVideo was selling a
product that was a little too advanced for what I wanted to do. After all,
how difficult is it to film something and make it look decent?

It turns out that it is quite difficult! I filmed my first video session and
it looked like I was in a dark closet (even though I had all the lights
on in the room) and it also sounded like I was talking with a sock over
the microphone. At that moment I knew that I needed to talk to
Steven and I immediately bought his product.

Even though Steven asks you to email him with any questions, I was
hesitant to do this because most “guru’s” don’t like to be bothered.
I find most of them just want to sell you products that never really
answer the most important questions, but instead lead you to more
products. Steve was very different.

From the first time I emailed him, he gave me specific instructions
on what to do. And not only did he do that, but he also reviewed my
videos and critiqued them even further. His advice was pointed,
knowledgeable and timely. I couldn’t have been more impressed
with Steven, and I have dealt with a lot of experts in my past.

My original assumption was that Steven would frown upon YouTube
and the newer style of video, and be in favor of large production values
and big budgets that I couldn’t afford.

I also thought that due to his level of expertise, Steven would not want
to deal with someone who wanted to do an edgy YouTube show.
I thought every question I would ask would be greeted with an
answer that implied my low budget video was “the wrong way to do it.”
I was very wrong on all of these assumptions.

Steven’s level of communication is top notch. He responds instantly
to emails and gives honest opinions and actionable advice. He even
went as far to take a phone call from me late at night when I was
running up against a hard deadline.

Steven is also a student of YouTube and other viral video marketing
sites. He really understands the concepts that go with making low
budget videos, and he also understands the importance of budgeting
and proving a concept before you dump a bunch of money into it.

But I wouldn’t recommend Steven and BrainyVideo to other business owners.

Heck no. Steven is a bit of a “secret weapon” of mine. There are so
many people who are in my field that produce unwatchable movies,
I am afraid that they may find out about BrainyVideo. Right now
I have videos that are remarkably better than everyone else’s, and
I would like to keep it that way!

Marcus Stout
Golden Moon Tea

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