The Case of the Purloined Persona Pt. 2

by Steven Washer on April 30, 2013


Washer pointed to Marisa’s computer screen, which was displaying the YouTube homepage.

“Tell me, Miss Murgatroyd. Have you been training for this event?”
She scribbled and thrust the notebook in his face.

“She wants you to cure her, Washer.”

“In due course, Watson. First, what did your examination reveal?”

“Nothing I wouldn’t have expected. Some redness at the back of the throat. Coughing and gasping for air.”

“Exactly! The classic symptoms of the cinnamon challenge. Miss Murgatroyd. Please tell me. Did you take the cinnamon challenge?”

“Washer. What on earth are you talking about?”

“The cinnamon challenge. It’s a recent viral virtual social activity wherein perfectly normal people attempt to ingest one tablespoon of cinnamon per day sans liquid within 60 seconds. It can’t be done without invoking a severe gag reflex, and in some cases, death itself has been the result. Miss Murgtroyd. Have no fear. Tell me, did you take the cinnamon challenge?”

Marisa wrote more slowly this time before showing her work.

“There were 50,000 videos on YouTube saying it was safe. The one I watched had 9 million views”

All eyes in the room turned to Wedmore.

“Hey, don’t look at me!”

“Of course not, James. And no one is blaming you.”

“But wait!” An attractive young lady in a Zeena Warrior princess outfit spoke up. “No one has ever lost their voice from swallowing cinnamon. Why Marisa? And why now?”

“Elementary, Miss Jelas.” Jody Jelas wanted to ask how he knew her name, but then thought better of it.

Washer continued. “When I walked in I detected the aroma of cinnamon. Evidently Miss Murgatroyd enjoys a cup of coffee flavored with the spice. But she undoubtedly didn’t want to use the cheaper stuff in her coffee. So she used Ceylon cinnamon. However, I had already smelled the distinct aroma of cassia cinnamon, a cheaper alternative, chock full of coumarins, which, in large enough doses, can prevent the blood from coagulating.”

I suddenly realized what Washer was on about. “So when Marisa took in all that cheap spice, then added heated Ceylon to the mix, it caused her throat to swell shut?”

“Yes. And now that we know what caused the problem, you can help nurse Miss Murgatroyd back to full health in short order.”

Watson went to Marisa, but she held him back. She wrote for a long time, during which Watson prepared a steaming cup of Morning Thunder tea and lemon, and had her drink while she was writing. Then she gave the notebook to Watson.

“Oh, my. Shall I read this out loud?”

“No need. Modesty forbids. It was our pleasure to help, Miss Murgatroyd. And now that you are back on the road to health, should we not do what we came here for and help the thousands of good business owners waiting to be trained in the art of video marketing?”

“Yes, of course”, said Marisa, the twinkle back in her eye, her dazzling smile restored.

Click here to access an astonishing and free compendium of actionable video marketing knowledge! 

Translation: (lots of cool free stuff right here!)

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